Category News

Harris lab publishes in Hippocampus

The Harris lab published a research article in Hippocampus entitled “Developmental onset of enduring long‐term potentiation in mouse hippocampus”. Ostrovskaya OI, Cao G, Eroglu C, Harris KM (2020) Developmental onset of enduring long‐term potentiation in mouse hippocampus. Hippocampus, 30(9): 1-15.

Brager lab publishes in Journal of Neuroscience

Federico Brandalise and Brian Kalmbach, postdocs from the Brager lab, are co-first authors on a recent publication investigating how the loss of FMRP in Fragile X syndrome affects dendritic function in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Brandalise…

Lewis-Peacock lab publishes in eNeuro

Seth Koslov, a graduate student in the Lewis-Peacock lab is the first author on a publication in eNeuro entitled “Cognitive Flexibility Improves Memory for Delayed Intentions”. Koslov SR, Mukerji A, Hedgpeth KR and Lewis-Peacock JA. Cognitive Flexibility Improves Memory for…

Colgin lab publishes in Hippocampus

Ernie Hwaun, a graduate student in the Colgin lab is first author on a recent publication published in the journal Hippocampus entitled “CA3 place cells that represent a novel waking experience are preferentially reactivated during sharp wave‐ripples in subsequent sleep”.…

Brager Lab publishes in Journal of Neurophysiology

Greg Ordemann, a graduate student in the Brager Lab, recently published a paper in the Journal of Neurophysiology entitled “D-type potassium channels normalize action potential firing between dorsal and ventral CA1 neurons of the mouse hippocampus.”  This research reveals that action…

Priebe Lab publishes in Nature Neuroscience

Jason Samonds and colleagues in the Priebe lab published a research paper in Nature Neuroscience entitled “Natural image and receptive field statistics predict saccade sizes.”  This research investigates the role of eye movement in visual information processing and motor system…

Dr. Lewis-Peacock receives R01grant from NEI

Dr. Jarrod Lewis-Peacock received a 5 year R01 grant from the National Eye Institute for his proposal entitled “Biasing the forgetting of visual memories”.  The goal of this proposal is to understand the factors that influence activation-dependent forgetting, and to evaluate whether people…

Dr. Kristen Harris publishes in PNAS

The Harris lab published a paper in PNAS entitled “Long-term potentiation expands information content of hippocampal dentate gyrus synapses.”  This research combined signal detection theory and precise 3D reconstructions from serial section electron microscopy (3DEM) to investigate synaptic plasticity and…