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Thesis and Dissertation

  1. Johnston, D. Eye Movement Recording Techniques. Senior Honors Thesis, School of Engineering, University of Virginia, 1969.
  2. Johnston, D. The Functional Architecture of Lateral Inhibition in the Limulus Retina: A Study Based on Nonlinear Inhibitory Coupling. Ph.D. Dissertation, Duke University, 1973.


  1. Johnston, D. and Wu, S. Foundations of Cellular Neurophysiology. MIT Press: Cambridge, 1995.

Book Chapters and Review Articles

  1. Ayala, G.F. and Johnston, D. The neurophysiological effects of diphenylhydantoin and their relationship to anticonvulsant activity. In: Neuropharmacology and Behavior. Haber, B., and Aprison, M.H., (eds.), Plenum Pub. Corp.: New York, 1978, pp. 127-152.
  2. Ayala, G.F. and Johnston, D. Phenytoin: Electrophysiological studies in simple neuronal systems. In: Antiepileptic Drugs, Mechanisms of Action. Advances in Neurology, V. 27. Glaser, G.H., Penry, J.K.,and Woodbury, D.M. (eds.), Raven Press: New York, 1980, pp. 339-351.
  3. Johnston, D. and Slater, G.E. Sodium valproate: Mechanisms of action. In: Antiepileptic Drugs. Woodbury, D.M., Penry, J.K., and Pippenger, C.E., (eds.), Raven Press, 1982, pp. 611-616.
  4. Johnston, D. and Brown, T.H. Mechanisms of neuronal burst generation. In: Electrophysiology of Epilepsy. Schwartzkroin, P.A. and Wheal, H.V., (eds.), Academic Press: London, 1984, pp.\ 277-301.
  5. Johnston, D. and Brown, T.H. Biophysics and microphysiology of synaptic transmission in hippocampus. In: Brain Slices. Dingledine, R., (ed.), Plenum Pub. Corp.: New York, 1984, pp. 51-86.
  6. Johnston, D. and Brown, T.H. Control theory applied to neural networks illuminates synaptic basis of interictal epileptiform activity. In:Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies: Molecular and Cellular Approaches. Delgado-Escueta, A.V., Ward, A.A., Jr., Woodbury, D.M., and Porter, R.J. (eds.), Raven Press: New York, 1986, pp. 263-274.
  7. Johnston, D., Rutecki, P. A., and Lebeda, F. J. Synaptic events underlying spontaneous and evoked paroxysmal discharges in hippocampal neurons. In: Excitatory Amino Acids and Epilepsy. Schwarcz, R. and Ari, Y. (eds.), Plenum Publishing Corp: New York, 1986, pp. 391-400.
  8. Johnston, D., Hopkins, W. F., and Gray, R. Cellular mechanisms of noradrenergic enhancement of long-term synaptic potentiation in hippocampus. In: The Role of Neuroplasticity in the Response to Drugs. Friedman, D. P. and Clouet, D. H. ( eds.), NIDA Research Monograph Series, Vol. 78: Rockville, MD, 1987, pp. 95-107.
  9. Rutecki, P.A. and Johnston, D. The hippocampus and epilepsy. In: Current Neurology, vol. 7. Appel, S.H. (ed.), Year Book Medical Publ: Chicago, 1987, pp. 129-157.
  10. Johnston, D., Hopkins, W. F., and Gray, R. Noradrenergic enhancement of long-term synaptic potentiation. In: Long-Term Potentiation: From Biophysics to Behavior. Landfield, P. W. and Deadwyler, S. (eds.), Alan R. Liss: New York, 1988, pp. 355-376.
  11. Johnston, D., Hopkins, W.F., and Gray, R. Norepinephrine enhances long-term potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. In: Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus. Haas, H.L. and Buzsàki, G., (eds.), Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1988, pp. 57-60.
  12. Johnston, D., Hopkins, W.F., and Gray, R. The role of norepinephrine in long-term potentiation at mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus. In: Neural Models of Plasticity. Byrne, J.H. and Berry, W.O. (eds.), Academic Press, Inc.: San Diego, 1989, pp. 307-328.
  13. Hopkins, W.F. and Johnston, D. Noradrenergic modulation of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. In: Problems and Concepts in Developmental Neurophysiology. Kellaway, P. and Noebels, J.L., (eds.), Johns Hopkins Univ. Press: Baltimore, 1989, pp. 92-109.
  14. Johnston, D., Williams, S.H., Gray, R, and Fisher, R.E. Cholinergic and noradrenergic modulation of long-term potentiation in hippocampal CA3 neurons. In: Brain Signal Transduction and Memory. Ito, M. and Nishizuka, Y. (eds.), Academic Press, Inc.: San Diego, 1989, pp. 171-183.
  15. Gray, R., Fisher, R.E., Spruston, N., and Johnston, D. Acutely exposed hippocampal neurons: A preparation for patch clamping neurons from adult hippocampal slices. In: Preparations of Vertebrate Central Nervous System In Vitro. Jahnsen, H. (ed.), John Wiley: England, 1990, pp. 3-24.
  16. Johnston, D., Williams, S., Jaffe, D., and Gray, R. NMDA-receptor independent long-term potentiation. Annu. Rev.\ of Physiol., 54:489-505, 1992.
  17. Johnston, D., Fisher, R.E., and Gray, R. Voltage-gated calcium channels in adult hippocampal neurons. In: Ion Channels, Volume III. Narahashi, T., (ed.), Plenum Publishing Corp: New York, 1992, pp. 39-62.
  18. Williams, S.H. & Johnston, D. Muscarinic cholinergic inhibition of glutamatergic transmission. In: Dunwiddie, T.V. & Lovinger, D.M. (Eds.), Presynaptic Receptors in the Mammalian Brain, (in press). Birkhäuser, Boston, 1993, pp. 27-41.
  19. Ross, W.N., Miyakawa, H., Lev-Ram, V., Lasser-Ross, N., Lisman, J., Jaffe, D., and Johnston, D. Dendritic excitability in CNS neurons: insights from dynamic calcium and sodium imaging in single cells. Japan. J. Physiol. 43(Suppl.):S83-S89, 1993.
  20. Spruston, N., Jaffe, D.B., and Johnston, D. Dendritic attenuation of synaptic potentials and currents: the role of passive membrane properties. Trends Neurosci. 17:161-166, 1994.
  21. Johnston, D. Review of: The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function. Segev, I., Rinzel, J., and Shepherd, G.M. (eds.), J. Comp. Neurosci. 2:273-274, 1995.
  22. Johnston, D., Magee, J.C., Colbert, C.M, and Christie, B.R. Active properties of neuronal dendrites. Annu. Rev. of Neurosci. 19:165-186, 1996.
  23. Johnston, D. Review of: The Cortical Neuron. Gutnick, M.J. and Mody, I. (eds.), Science 271: 1241, 1996.
  24. Johnston, D. The calcium code. Biophys. J. 70:1095, 1996.
  25. Johnston, D., Avery, R.B., and Magee, J.C. Physiology, pharmacology, and function of low-voltage activated Ca2+ channels in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. In: Low-Voltage Activated T-Type Calcium Channels. Tsien, R.W., Clozel, J-P., and Nargeot, J. ( eds.), Adis: Chester England, 1998.
  26. Johnston, D. and Amaral, D.G. Hippocampus. In: Synaptic Organization of the Brain. Shepherd, G.M. ( ed.), Oxford University Press: New York, 1997.
  27. Johnston, D. A Missing Link? LTP and Learning. Science 278:401-402, 1997.
  28. Magee, J.C., Hoffman, D., Colbert, C.M, and Johnston, D. Electrical and chemical signaling in dendrites. Annu. Rev. of Physiol. 60:327-346, 1998.
  29. Johnston, D.  Functional Properties of Hippocampal Dendrites. Developmental Neuropsych. 16:309-310, 1999.
  30. Johnston, D., Hoffman, D.A., Colbert, C.M., and Magee, J.C. Regulation of back-propagating action potentials in hippocampal neurons. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 9:288-292, 1999.
  31. Johnston, D., Hoffman, D.A., and Poolos, N.P. Potassium channels and dendritic function in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Epilepsia 41:1072-1073, 2000.
  32. Johnston, D., Christie, B.R., Frick, A., Gray, R., Hoffman, D.A., Schexnayder, L.K., Watanabe,  S., and Yuan, L.-L.  Active dendrites, potassium channels, and synaptic plasticity.  Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. [Biol.]  358:667-674, 2003[PDF]
  33. Johnston, D., Christie, B.R., Frick, A., Gray, R., Hoffman, D.A., Schexnayder, L.K., Watanabe, S., and Yuan, L.-L. Active dendrites, potassium channels, and synaptic plasticity. In: Long-term Potentiation: Enhancing Neuroscience for 30 years. Bliss, T.V.P., Collingridge, G.L., and Morris, R.G.M. (eds.), Oxford University Press: New York, 2004, pp. 95-107.
  34. Johnston, D. Channeling a ‘funny’ side of memory. Nat. Neurosci. 8:134-139, 2005. [PDF]
  35. Frick, A. and Johnston, D. Plasticity of dendritic excitability. J. Neurobiol. 64:100-115, 2005. [PDF]
  36. Magee, J.C. and Johnston, D. Plasticity of dendritic function. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 15:334-342, 2005. [PDF]
  37. Bullock, T.H., Bennett, M, Johnston, D., Josephson, R., Marder, E., and Fields, R.D. The Neuron Doctrine Revisited. Science 310:791, 2005. [PDF]
  38. Bernard, C., Shah, M., and Johnston, D. Dendrites and disease. In: Dendrites.  Stuart, G., Spruston, N., and Hausser, M. (eds.) Oxford University Press: Oxford England, 2007, p. 531-550.
  39. Johnston D, Narayanan R. Active dendrites: colorful wings of the mysterious butterflies. Trends Neurosci. 2008 Jun;31(6):309-16. Epub 2008 May 9. [PDF]
  40. Spruston N, Johnston D. Out of control in the dendrites. Nat Neurosci. 2008 Jul;11(7):733-4.[News & Views] [PDF]
  41. Narayanan, R. & Johnston, D. The ascent of channels with memory. Neuron 60, 735–738 (2008). [PDF]
  42. Narayanan, R. & Johnston, D.  Functional maps within a single neuron.  J Neurophysiol 108: 2343–2351, 2012 [PDF]
  43. Lerche, H., Shah, M., Beck, H., Noebels, J.L., Johnston, D., and Vincent, A. Ion channels in genetic and acquired forms of epilepsy. J. Physiol. 591:753-764, 2013. [PDF]
  44. Brager, D.H. and Johnston, D. Channelopathies and Dendritic Function in Fragile X syndrome. Brain Res. Bull. 103:11-17, 2014. [PDF]
  45. Johnston, D., Frick, A, and Poolos, N. Dendrites and Disease. In: Dendrites. Stuart, G., Spruston, N., and Hausser, M. (eds.), 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press: Oxford England, (in press), 2015.
  46. Kim, C.S. and Johnston, D. A possible link between HCN channels and depression.  Chronic Stress.  2:1-6, 2018.  DOI:     [PDF]

Refereed Publications (and published commentaries)

  1. Johnston, D. and Ayala, G.F. Diphenylhydantoin: The action of a common anticonvulsant on bursting pacemaker cells in Aplysia. Science 189:1009-1011, 1975.
  2. Johnston, D. and Wachtel, H. The electrophysiological basis for the spatial dependence of the inhibitory coupling in the Limulus retina. J. Gen. Physiol. 67:1-25, 1976.
  3. Johnston, D. Voltage clamp reveals basis for calcium regulation of bursting pacemaker potentials in Aplysia neurons. Brain Res. 197:418-423, 1976.
  4. Ayala, G.F., Lin, S., and Johnston, D. The mechanism of action of diphenylhydantoin on invertebrate neurons. I. Effects on basic membrane properties. Brain Res. 121:245-258, 1977.
  5. Ayala, G.F., Johnston, D., Lin, S., and Dichter, H. Mechanisms of action of diphenylhydantoin on invertebrate neurons. II. Effects on excitatory and inhibitory synaptic mechanisms. Brain Res. 121:259-270, 1977.
  6. Ayala, G.F. and Johnston, D. The influences of phenytoin on the fundamental properties of simple neural systems. Epilepsia 18:299-307, 1977.
  7. Whisler, J.W. and Johnston, D. Epileptogenesis: A model for the involvement of slow membrane events and extracellular potassium. J. Theor. Biol. 75:271-288, 1978.
  8. Slater, G.E. and Johnston, D. Sodium valproate increases potassium conductance in Aplysia neurons. Epilepsia 19:379-384, 1978.
  9. Johnston, D. Phenobarbital: Concentration Dependent Biphasic Effect on Aplysia Burst Firing Neurons. Neurosci. Lett. 10:175-180, 1978.
  10. Johnston, D. Voltage, temperature and ionic dependence of the slow outward current in Aplysia burst firing neurons. J. Physiol.\ (London) 298:145-157, 1980.
  11. Johnston, D., Hablitz, J.J., and Wilson, W.A. Voltage clamp discloses slow inward current in hippocampal burst firing neurons. Nature (London) 286:391-393, 1980.
  12. Stafstrom, C.E., Johnston, D., Wehner, J.M., and Sheppard, J.R. Spontaneous neural activity in fetal brain reaggregate cultures. Neurosci. 5:1681-1689,1980.
  13. Johnston, D. Passive cable properties of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons. Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. 1:41-55, 1981.
  14. Johnston, D. and Brown, T.H. The giant synaptic potential hypothesis for epileptiform activity. Science 211:294-297, 1981.
  15. Johnston, D. and Lam, D.M.-K. Regenerative and passive membrane properties of isolated horizontal cells from a teleost retina. Nature (London) 292:451-454, 1981.
  16. Hablitz, J.J. and Johnston, D. Endogenous nature of spontaneous bursts in hippocampal neurons. Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. 1:325-334, 1981.
  17. Carnevale, N.T. and Johnston, D. Electrophysiological characterization of remote chemical synapses. J. Neurophysiol. 47:606-621, 1982.
  18. Bryan, R.N. and Johnston, D. Epileptogenic effects of radiographic contrast agents: An experimental study. J. Neuroradiol. 3:117-120, 1982.
  19. Lebeda, F.J., Hablitz, J.J., and Johnston, D. Antagonism of GABA-mediated responses by d-tubocurarine in hippocampal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 48:622-632, 1982.
  20. Baxter, D.A., Johnston, D., and Strittmatter, W.J. Protease inhibitors implicate metalloendoprotease in synaptic transmission at the mammalian neuromuscular junction. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 80:4174-4178, 1983.
  21. Johnston, D. and Brown, T.H. Interpretation of voltage-clamp measurements in hippocampal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 50:464-486, 1983.
  22. Brown, T.H. and Johnston, D. Voltage-clamp analysis of the mossy fiber synaptic input to hippocampal pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 50:487-507, 1983.
  23. Lebeda, F.J., Rutecki, P.A., and Johnston, D. Synaptic mechanisms of action of convulsion-producing anticholinesterases: characterization of di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate-induced epileptiform activity in the mammalian hippocampus. Defense Technical Information Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia, DA-300017, 1983.
  24. Johnston, D. Valproic acid: Update on its mechanisms of action. Epilepsia 25:1-4, 1984.
  25. Johnston, D. and Brown, T.H. The synaptic nature of the paroxysmal depolarizing shift in hippocampal neurons. Ann. Neurol. 16:S65-72, 1984.
  26. Hopkins, W.F. and Johnston, D. Frequency-dependent noradrenergic modulation of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. Science 226:350-352, 1984.
  27. Lebeda, F.J., Rutecki, P.A., and Johnston, D. Synaptic mechanisms of action of convulsion-producing anticholinesterases: further characterization of organophosphate-induced epileptiform activity in the mammalian hippocampus. Defense Technical Information Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia, 1984.
  28. Gray, R. A. and Johnston, D. Rectification of single GABA-gated chloride channels in adult hippocampal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 54:134-142, 1985.
  29. Rutecki, P. A., Lebeda, F. J., and Johnston, D. Epileptiform activity induced by changes in extracellular potassium in hippocampus. J. Neurophysiol. 54:1363-1374, 1985.
  30. Griffith, W.H., Brown, T.H., and Johnston, D. Voltage-clamp analysis of synaptic inhibition during long-term potentiation in hippocampus. J. Neurophysiol. 55:767-775, 1986.
  31. Barrionuevo, G., Kelso, S.R., Johnston, D., and Brown, T.H. Conductance mechanism responsible for long-term potentiation in monosynaptic and isolated excitatory synaptic inputs to hippocampus. J. Neurophysiol. 55:540-550, 1986.
  32. Gray, R. and Johnston, D. Noradrenaline and ß-adrenoceptor agonists increase the activity of voltage-dependent calcium channels in hippocampal neurones. Nature (London) 327:620-622, 1987.
  33. Rutecki, P. A., Lebeda, F. J., and Johnston, D. 4-Aminopyridine produces epileptiform activity in hippocampus and enhances synaptic excitation and inhibition. J. Neurophysiol. 57:1911-1924, 1987.
  34. Hopkins, W. F. and Johnston, D. Noradrenergic enhancement of long-term potentiation at mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus. J. Neurophysiol. 59:667-687, 1988.
  35. Williams, S.H. and Johnston, D. Muscarinic depression of long-term potentiation in CA3 hippocampal neurons. Science 242:84-87, 1988.
  36. Terrian, D.M., Johnston, D., Claiborne, B.J., Ansah-Yiadom, R., Strittmatter, W.J., and Rea, M.A. Glutamate and dynorphin release from a subcellular fraction enriched in hippocampal mossy fiber synaptosomes. Brain Res. Bull. 21:343-351, 1988.
  37. Williams, S. and Johnston, D. Long-term potentiation of hippocampal mossy fiber synapses is blocked by postsynaptic injection of calcium chelators. Neuron 3:583-588, 1989.
  38. Fisher, R., Gray, R., and Johnston, D. Properties and distribution of single voltage-gated calcium channels in adult hippocampal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 64:91-104, 1990.
  39. Jaffe, D. and Johnston, D. The induction of long-term potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses follows a Hebbian rule. J. Neurophysiol. 64:948-960, 1990.
  40. Rutecki, P.A., Lebeda, F.J., and Johnston, D. Epileptiform activity in the hippocampus produced by tetraethylammonium. J. Neurophysiol. 64:1077-1088, 1990.
  41. Williams, S. and Johnston, D. Muscarinic depression of synaptic transmission at the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse. J. Neurophysiol. 64:1089-1097, 1990.
  42. Fisher, R. and Johnston, D. Differential modulation of single voltage-gated calcium channels by cholinergic and adrenergic agonists in adult hippocampal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 64:1291-1302, 1990.
  43. Chetkovich, D.M., Gray, R., Johnston, D., and Sweatt, J.D. NMDA-receptor activation increases cAMP levels and voltage-gated Ca2+-channel activity in area CA1 of hippocampus. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 88:6467-6471, 1991.
  44. Williams, S. and Johnston, D. Kinetic properties of two anatomically distinct excitatory synapses in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 66:1010-1020, 1991.
  45. Spruston, N. and Johnston, D. Perforated patch-clamp analysis of the passive membrane properties of three classes of hippocampal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 67:508-529, 1992.
  46. Jaffe, D.B., Johnston, D., Lasser-Ross, N., Lisman, J.E., Miyakawa, H., Ross, W.N. The spread of Na+ spikes determines the pattern of dendritic Ca2+ entry into hippocampal neurons. Nature (London) 357:244-246,  1992.
  47. Miyakawa, H. Ross, W.N., Jaffe, D., Callaway, J.C., Lasser-Ross, N., Lisman, J.E., and Johnston, D. Synaptically activated increases in Ca2+ concentration of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells are primarily due to voltage-gated Ca2+ channels Neuron 9:1163-1173, 1992.
  48. Villani, F. and Johnston, D. Serotonin inhibits induction of long-term potentiation at commissural synapses in hippocampus. Brain Res. 606:304-308, 1993.
  49. Spruston, N., Jaffe, D.B., Williams, S.H., and Johnston, D. Voltage- and space-clamp errors associated with the measurement of electrotonically remote synaptic events. J. Neurophysiol. 70:781-802, 1993.
  50. Jaffe, D.B., Ross, W.N., Lisman, J.E., Lasser-Ross, N., Miyakawa, H., and Johnston, D. A model for dendritic Ca2+ accumulation in hippocampal pyramidal neurons based on fluorescence imaging measurements. J. Neurophysiol. 71:1065-1077, 1994.
  51. Eliot, L.S. and Johnston, D. Multiple components of calcium current in acutely-dissociated dentate gyrus granule neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 72:762-777, 1994.
  52. Schulz, P.E., Cook, E., and Johnston, D. Changes in paired-pulse facilitation suggest presynaptic involvement in long-term potentiation. J. Neurosci. 14:5325-5337, 1994.
  53. Powell, C.M., Johnston, D., and Sweatt, J.D. Increase in autonomously active protein kinase C in the maintenance of NMDA-receptor-independent LTP. J. Biol. Chem. 269:27958-27963, 1994.
  54. Migliore, M., Cook, E.P., Jaffe, D.B., and Johnston, D. Computer simulations of morphologically reconstructed CA3 hippocampal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 73:1157-1168, 1995.
  55. Magee, J.C. and Johnston, D. Synaptic activation of voltage-gated channels in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Science 268:301-304, 1995.
  56. Christie, B.R, Eliot, L.S., Ito, K.-I., Miyakawa, H., and Johnston, D. Different Ca2+ channels in soma and dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons mediate spike-induced Ca2+ influx. J. Neurophysiol. 73:2553-2557, 1995.
  57. Schulz, P.E., Cook, E., and Johnston, D. Using paired-pulse facilitation to probe the mechanism of LTP. J. Physiol.\ (Paris) 89:3-9, 1995.
  58. Magee, J.C. and Johnston, D. Characterization of single voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+ channels in dendrites of rat CA1 hippocampal neurons. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 487.1:67-90, 1995.
  59. Magee, J.C., Christofi, G., Miyakawa, H. Christie, B., and Johnston, D. Subthreshold synaptic activation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels mediates a localized Ca2+ influx into the dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 74:1335-1342, 1995.
  60. Christie, B.R, Magee, J.C., and Johnston, D. Dendritic calcium channels and hippocampal long-term depression. Hippocampus 6:17-23, 1996.
  61. Williams, S. and Johnston, D. Actions of endogenous opioids on NMDA receptor-independent long-term potentiation in area CA3 of the hippocampus. J. Neurosci. 16:3652-3660, 1996.
  62. Avery, R.B. and Johnston, D. Multiple channel types contribute to the low-voltage activated calcium current in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 16:5567-5582, 1996.
  63. Christie, B.R, Magee, J.C., and Johnston, D. The role of dendritic action potentials and Ca2+ influx in the induction of homosynaptic long-term depression in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Learn. & Mem. 3:160-169, 1996.
  64. Colbert, C.M. and Johnston, D. Axonal action-potential initiation and Na+ channel densities in the soma and axon initial segment of subicular pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 16:6676-6686, 1996.
  65. Magee, J.C., Avery, R.B., Christie, B.R., and Johnston, D. Dihydropyridine-sensitive, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels contribute to the resting intracellular Ca2+ concentration of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 76:3460-3470, 1996.
  66. Avery, R.B. and Johnston, D. Ca2+ channel antagonist U-92032 inhibits both T-type Ca2+ channels and Na+ channels in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 77:1023-1029, 1997.
  67. Magee, J.C. and Johnston, D. A synaptically-controlled, associative signal for Hebbian plasticity in hippocampal neurons. Science 275:209-213, 1997.
  68. Christie, B.R., Schexnayder, L.K., and Johnston, D. Contribution of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to homosynaptic long-term depression (LTD) in the CA1 region in vitro. J. Neurophysiol. 77:1651-1655, 1997. [PDF]
  69. Hoffman, D., Magee, J.C., Colbert, C.M., and Johnston, D. Potassium channel regulation of signal propagation in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Nature 387:869-875, 1997. [PDF]
  70. Colbert, C.M., Magee, J.C., Hoffman, D., and Johnston, D. Slow recovery from inactivation of Na+ channels underlies the activity-dependent attenuation of dendritic action potentials in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 17:6512-6521, 1997. [PDF]
  71. Cook, E.P. and Johnston, D. Active dendrites reduce location-dependent variability of synaptic input trains. J. Neurophysiol. 78:2116-2128, 1997. [PDF]
  72. Colbert, C.M. and Johnston, D. Protein kinase C activation decreases activity-dependent attenuation of dendritic Na+ current in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 79:491-495, 1998. [PDF]
  73. Kapur, A., Yeckel, M.F., Gray, R. and Johnton, D. L-type calcium channels are required for one form of hippocampal mossy fiber LTP. J. Neurophysiol. 79:2181-2190, 1998. [PDF]
  74. Hoffman, D.A. and Johnston, D. Down-regulation of transient K+ channels in dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons by activation of PKA and PKC. J. Neurosci. 18:3521-3528, 1998. [PDF]
  75. Hoffman, D.A. and Johnston, D. Neurotransmitter modulation of dendritic action potentials. J. Neurophysiol. 81:408-411, 1999.[PDF]
  76. Cook, E.P. and Johnston, D. Voltage-dependent properties of dendrites that eliminate location-dependent variability of synaptic input. J. Neurophysiol. 81:535–543, 1999. [PDF]
  77. Poolos, N.P. and Johnston, D. Calcium-activated potassium conductances contribute to action potential repolarization in the soma but not the dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 19:5205–5212, 1999. [PDF]
  78. Yeckel, M.F., Kapur, A., and Johnston, D. Multiple forms of LTP in hippocampal CA3 neurons use a common postsynaptic mechanism. Nature Neurosci. 2:625–633, 1999. [PDF]
  79. Migliore, M., Hoffman, D.A., Magee, J.C. and Johnston, D. Role of an A-type K+ conductance in the back-propagation of action potentials in the dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. J. Comp. Neurosci. 7:2–15, 1999. [PDF]
  80. Johnston, D., Hoffman, D.A., Magee, J.C., Poolos, N.P., Watanabe, S., Colbert, C.M., and Migliore, M. Dendritic potassium channels in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. J. Physiol. 525:75–81, 2000. [PDF]
  81. Kapur, A., Yeckel, M.F., and Johnston, D. Hippocampal mossy fiber activity evokes Ca2+ release in CA3 pyramidal neurons via a metabotropic glutamate receptor pathway. Neuroscience 107:59–69, 2001 [PDF]
  82. Liang, Y., Yuan, L.-L., Johnston, D., and Gray, R. Calcium signaling at single mossy fiber presynatpic terminals in the rat hippocampus. J. Neurophysiol. 87: 1132–1137, 2002. [PDF]
  83. Watanabe, S., Hoffman, D.A., Migliore, M., and Johnston, D. Dendritic K+ channels contribute to spike-timing induced long-term potentiation in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 99: 8366–8371, 2002. [PDF]
  84. Yuan, L.-L., Adams, J.P., Swank, M., Sweatt, J.D., and Johnston, D. Protein kinase modulation of dendritic K+ channels in hippocampus involves a MAPK pathway. J. Neurosci. 22:4860-4868, 2002. [PDF]
  85. Nakazawa, K., Quirk, M.C., Yeckel, M.F., Watanabe, M., Chitwood, R.A.,Sun, L.D., Kato, A., Carr, C.A., Johnston, D., Wilson, M.A., and Tonegawa,S. Evidence for a crucial role of hippocampal CA3 NMDA receptors in associative memory recall. Science 297:211-218, 2002. [PDF]
  86. Poolos, N.P., Migliore, M., and Johnston, D. Selective reduction of pyramidal neuron dendritic excitability by an anticonvulsant acting on IhNature Neurosci.5:767-774, 2002. [PDF]
  87. Frick, A., Magee, J.C., Koester, H., and Johnston, D.  Normalization of Ca2+ signals by small oblique dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 23: 3243-3250, 2003. [PDF]
  88. Bernard, C. and Johnston, D.  Back-propagation in dendrites is controlled by a distance-dependent modifiable threshold.  J. Neurophysiol 90(3):1807-1816, 2003. [PDF]
  89. Jeromin A, Yuan LL, Frick A, Pfaffinger P, Johnston D. A modified Sindbis vector for prolonged gene expression in neurons. J Neurophysiol. 90(4):2741-2745, 2003. [PDF]
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  92. Varga AW, Yuan LL, Anderson AE, Schrader LA, Wu GY, Gatchel JR, Johnston D, Sweatt JD. Calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinase II modulates Kv4.2 channel expression and upregulates neuronal A-type potassium currents. J Neurosci. 24(14):3643-3654, 2004. [PDF]
  93. Bernard, C., Anderson, A.E. Poolos, N.P., and Johnston, D. Acquired dendritic channelopathy in temporal lobe epilepsy. Science 305:532-535, 2004. [PDF]
  94. Chen X, and Johnston D. Properties of single voltage-dependent K+ channels in dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurones of rat hippocampus. J Physiol. 559:187-203, 2004. [PDF]
  95. Shah, M.M., Anderson, A.E., Leung, V., and Johnston, D. Seizure-induced plasticity of h-channels in entorhinal cortical layer III neurons. Neuron 44:495-508, 2004.[PDF]
  96. Chen, X. and Johnston, D. Constitutively active GIRK channels in dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 25:3787-3792, 2005. [PDF]
  97. Koester, H.J. and Johnston, D. Target-Cell Dependent Normalization of Transmitter Release at Neocortical Synapses. Science 308:863–866, 2005. [PDF]
  98. Fan, Y, Fricker, D., Brager, D., Chen, X, Lu, H.C, Chitwood, R, and Johnston, D. Activity-dependent decrease of excitability in hippocampal neurons through increases in Ih. Nature Neurosci. 8:1542-1551, 2005. [PDF]
  99. Yuan, L.-L., Chen, X., Kunjilwar, K., Pfaffinger, P., and Johnston, D. Acceleration of K+ channel inactivation by the MEK inhibitor U0126. Amer. J. Physiol 290:165-171, 2006. [PDF]
  100. Rosenkranz, J.A. and Johnston, D. Voltage-dependent dopaminergic regulation of neuronal excitability through modulation of Ih in layer V entorhinal cortex. J. Neurosci. 26:3229-3244, 2006. [PDF]
  101. Chen X, Johnston D. Voltage-gated ion channels in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Pflügers Archiv 453:397-401, 2006. [PDF]
  102. Chen, X., Yuan, L.-L., Zhao, C., Birnbaum, S.G., Frick, A., Jung, W.E., Schwarz, T.L., Sweatt, J.D., and Johnston, D. Deletion of Kv4.2 gene eliminates dendritic A-type K+ current and enhances induction of long-term potentiation in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 26:12143-12151, 2006. [PDF]
  103. Gasparini, S., Losonczy, A., Chen, X., Johnston, D., and Magee, J.C. Associative pairing enhances action potential back-propagation in radial oblique branches of CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Physiol. 580:787-800, 2007. [PDF]
  104. Brager, D.H. and Johnston, D. Plasticity of intrinsic excitability during long-term depression is mediated through mGluR-dependent changes in Ih in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci. 27:13926-13937, 2007. [PDF]
  105. Narayanan, R. and Johnston, D. Long-term potentiation in rat hippocampal neurons is accompanied by spatially widespread changes in intrinsic oscillatory dynamics and excitability. Neuron 56:1061-1075, 2007. [PDF]
  106. Rosenkranz, J.A. and Johnston, D. State-dependent modulation of amygdala inputs by dopamine-induced enhancement of sodium currents in Layer V entorhinal cortex. J. Neurosci. 27:7054-7069, 2007. [PDF]
  107. Shin M, Brager D, Jaramillo TC, Johnston D, Chetkovich DM. Mislocalization of h channel subunits underlies h channelopathy in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurobiol Dis. 2008  Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print] [PDF]
  108. Andrasfalvy BK, Makara JK, Johnston D, Magee JC. Altered synaptic and non-synaptic properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons in Kv4.2 KO mice. J Physiol. 2008 Jun 19 3881-3892. [Epub ahead of  print] [PDF]
  109. Narayanan R, Johnston D. The h channel mediates location dependence and plasticity of intrinsic phase response in rat hippocampal neurons. J Neurosci. 2008 May 28;28(22):5846-60. [PDF]
  110. Spruston N, Johnston D. Out of control in the dendrites. Nat Neurosci. 2008 Jul;11(7):733-734. [PDF]
  111. Rosenkranz JA, Frick A, Johnston D. Kinase-dependent modification of dendritic excitability after long-term potentiation. J Physiol. 2009 Jan 15;587(Pt 1):115-25. [PDF]
  112. Routh BN, Johnston D, Harris K, Chitwood RA. Anatomical and electrophysiological comparison of CA1 pyramidal neurons of the rat and mouse. J Neurophysiol. 2009 Oct;102(4):2288-302. [PDF]
  113. Narayanan R, Johnston D. The h current is a candidate mechanism for regulating the sliding modification threshold in a BCM-like synaptic learning rule. J Neurophysiol. 2010 Aug;104(2):1020-33. [PDF]
  114. Johnston D. The Na+ channel conundrum: axon structure versus function. Nat Neurosci. 2010. 13(7): 784-785 [PDF]
  115. Narayanan R, Dougherty KJ & Johnston D. Calcium store depletion induces persistent perisomatic increases in the functional density of h channels in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Neuron 68, 921–935 (2010). [PDF]
  116. Dembrow, N.C., Chitwood, R.A. & Johnston, D. Projection-specific neuromodulation of medial prefrontal cortex neurons. J Neurosci 30, 16922–16937 (2010). [PDF]
  117. Alan S Lewis, Sachin P Vaidya, Cory A Blaiss, Zhiqiang Liu, Travis R Stoub, Darrin H Brager, Xiangdong Chen, Roland A Bender, Chad M Estep, Andrey B Popov, Catherine E Kang, Paul P Van Veldhoven, Douglas A Bayliss, Daniel A Nicholson, Craig M Powell, Daniel Johnston, and Dane M Chetkovich. Deletion of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel auxiliary subunit TRIP8b impairs hippocampal Ih localization and function and promotes antidepressant behavior in mice.  J Neurosci 31, 7424–7440 (2011). [PDF]
  118. Poolos, N. P., & Johnston, D. (2012). Dendritic ion channelopathy in acquired epilepsy. Epilepsia, 53 Suppl 9, 32–40. doi:10.1111/epi.12033 [PDF]
  119. Brager, D. H., Akhavan, A. R., & Johnston, D. (2012). Impaired dendritic expression and plasticity of h-channels in the fmr1(-/y) mouse model of fragile X syndrome. Cell Reports, 1(3), 225–233.  [PDF]
  120. Kim, C. S., Chang, P. Y., & Johnston, D. (2012). Enhancement of dorsal hippocampal activity by knockdown of HCN1 channels leads to anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like behaviors. Neuron, 75(3), 503–516.  [PDF]
  121. Dougherty, K. A., Islam, T., & Johnston, D. (2012). Intrinsic excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurones from the rat dorsal and ventral hippocampus. The Journal of Physiology, 590(Pt 22), 5707–5722. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2012.242693 [PDF]
  122. Park, Y. Y., Johnston, D., & Gray, R. (2012). Slowly inactivating component of Na+ current in the peri-somatic region of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. J Neurophysiol. [PDF]
  123. Dougherty, K. A., Nicholson, D. A., Diaz, L. M., Buss, E. W., Neuman, K. M., Chetkovich, D. M., & Johnston, D. (2013). Differential Expression of HCN Subunits Alters Voltage-Dependent Gating of h-channels in CA1 Pyramidal Neurons from the Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampus. J Neurophysiol. [PDF]
  124. Routh, B. N., Johnston, D. & Brager, D. H. Loss of Functional A-Type Potassium Channels in the Dendrites of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons from a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. J Neurosci 33, 19442–19450 (2013). [PDF]
  125. Vaidya, S. P. & Johnston, D. Temporal synchrony and gamma-to-theta power conversion in the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons. Nature neuroscience (2013). [PDF]
  126. Brager, D. H., Lewis, A. S., Chetkovich, D. M. & Johnston, D. Short- and long-term plasticity in CA1 neurons from mice lacking h-channel auxiliary subunit TRIP8b. J Neurophysiol 110, 2350–2357 (2013). [PDF]
  127. Kalmbach, B. E., Chitwood, R. A., Dembrow, N. C. & Johnston, D. Dendritic generation of mGluR-mediated slow afterdepolarization in layer 5 neurons of prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci 33, 13518–13532 (2013). [PDF]
  128. Edwards, J,  Daniel, E,  Kinney J, Bartol T, Sejnowski T,  Johnston D, Harris, K & Bajaj, C.  VolRoverN: Enhancing Surface and Volumetric Reconstruction for Realistic Dynamical Simulation of Cellular and Subcellular Function.  Neuroinform, 1-13 (2013) [PDF]
  129. Clemens, A. & Johnston, D. Age- and location-dependent differences in store depletion induced h-channel plasticity in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. J Neurophysiol, 111:1369-1382, 2014. [PDF]
  130. Brager, D. H. & Johnston, D. Channelopathies and dendritic dysfunction in fragile X syndrome. Brain research bulletin 103, 11–7 (2014). [PDF]
  131. Moya, Maria V, Jennifer J Siegel, Eedann D McCord, Brian E Kalmbach, Nikolai Dembrow, Daniel Johnston, and Raymond A Chitwood. Species-Specific Differences in the Medial Prefrontal Projections to the Pons between Rat and Rabbit. The Journal of comparative neurology 522, 3052–74 (2014). [PDF]
  132. Dembrow N, Johnston D. Subcircuit-specific neuromodulation in the prefrontal cortex. Front. Neural Circuits 8: 54 (2014). [PDF]
  133. Ashhad S, Johnston D, Narayanan R. Activation of InsP3 receptors is suffcient for inducing graded intrinsic plasticity in rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons. J Neurophysiol 113: 2002–2013 (2015). [PDF]
  134. Dembrow N, Zemelman B, Johnston D. Temporal dynamics of L5 dendrites in medial prefrontal cortex regulate integration versus coincidence detection of afferent inputs. J Neurosci. 35: 4501–14 (2015). [PDF]
  135. Desai N, Siegel J, Taylor W, Chitwood R, Johnston D. Matlab-based automated patch clamp system for awake behaving mice. J Neurophysiol (2015). [PDF]
  136. Kim C, Johnston D. A1 adenosine receptor-mediated GIRK channels contribute to the resting conductance of CA1 neurons in the dorsal hippocampus. J Neurophysiol 113: 2511–23 (2015).[PDF]
  137. Siegel, JJ, Taylor, W, Gray, R, Kalmbach, B, Zemelman, BV,  Desai, NS, Johnston, D and Chitwood, RA.  Trace Eyeblink Conditioning in Mice Is Dependent upon the Dorsal Medial Prefrontal Cortex, Cerebellum, and Amygdala: Behavioral Characterization and Functional Circuitry. eNeuro, 2(4) e0051-14.2015 1–29.  (2015). [PDF]
  138. Kalmbach, B., Johnston, D., and Brager, D.H. Cell-type specific channelopathies in the prefrontal cortex of the fmr1-/y mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. eNeuro 2(6):1-21, 2015. [pdf]
  139. Malik, R., Dougherty K.A., Parikh, K., Byrne, C., and Johnston, D. Mapping the electrophysiological and morphological properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons along the longitudinal hippocampal axis. Hippocampus 26:341-361, 2016 [pdf].
  140. Kim, C.S., Brager, D.H., and Johnston, D. Perisomatic h-channels regulate depressive behaviors following chronic unpredictable stress. Molec. Psych. (in press) [pdf].
  141. Malik, R. and Johnston, D. Dendritic GIRK channels gate the integration window, plateau potentials and induction of synaptic plasticity in dorsal but not ventral CA1 neurons. J. Neurosci. 37:3940-3955, 2017. [pdf]
  142. Kalmbach, B.E., Gray, R., Johnston, D., and Cook, E.P. A systems-based analysis of dendritic nonlinearities reveals temporal feature extraction in mouse L5 cortical neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 117, 2188–2208 (2017).[pdf]
  143. Routh, B.M., Rathour, R.K., Baumgardner, M.E., Kalmbach, B.E., Johnston, D., Brager, D.H. Increased transient sodium conductance and action potential output in layer 2/3 prefrontal cortex neurons of the fmr1-/y mouse. The Journal of Physiology 595, 4431–4448 (2017).[pdf]
  144. Siegel, J.J., Chitwood, R.A., Ding, J.M., Payne, C., Taylor, W., Gray, R., Zemelman, B.V., and Johnston, D. Prefrontal cortex dysfunction in Fragile X mice depends on the continued absence of Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein in the adult brain. Journal of Neuroscience 0571–17 (2017). [pdf]
  145. Desai, N. S., Gray, R. & Johnston, D. A Dynamic Clamp on Every Rig. eNeuro ENEURO.0250–17.2017 (2017). doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0250-17.2017 [pdf]
  146. Kim, C.S., Brager, D.H., and Johnston, D. Perisomatic h-channels regulate depressive behaviors following chronic unpredictable stress. Molec. Psych. 23:892-903, 2018. [PDF]
  147. Arnold, E. C., McMurray, C., Gray, R., & Johnston, D. Epilepsy-induced reduction in HCN channel expression contributes to an increased excitability in dorsal, but not ventral, hippocampal CA1 neurons. eNeuro, ENEURO.0036–19.2019–22 (2019). [pdf]
  148. Li B., Routh B.N., Johnston, D., Seidemann, E. and Priebe, N.J..  Voltage-Gated Intrinsic Conductances Shape the Input-Output Relationship of Cortical Neurons in Behaving Primate V1.  Neuron (2020).
  149. Kim, C.S.,  and Johnston. D.  Antidepressant effects of (S)-ketamine through a reduction of hyperpolarization-activated current Ih. iScience (2020)