Creating an environment to facilitate outstanding training for the next generation of learning and memory researchers was a major motivation for establishing The Center for Learning and Memory. Accordingly, The Center for Learning & Memory offers a research training program funded by a T32 Training Grant from the National Institute of Mental Health. The Training Grant was first awarded to CLM in 2015 and created an in-depth, cutting-edge, collaborative, and highly innovative research experience for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows studying various aspects of learning and memory in Center for Learning & Memory labs. The program combines the strengths of our CLM faculty with intensive training activities to provide the highest standard of excellence in research training. The training program provides structured training in rigorous research design, state-of-the-art methodologies and quantitative approaches, and professional development activities to prepare our trainees to become innovative future leaders in the field of learning and memory research.
Two predoctoral and two postdoctoral trainees are supported each year. Trainees are considered for one year of support from the training program and may be appointed to the training program for up to 3 years before transitioning to individual grants and fellowships. Predoctoral trainees can apply after they have completed their qualifying exams and begun work on their dissertation research. Postdoctoral trainees can apply to the training grant in an early stage of postdoctoral training. Trainees will be selected by a steering committee consisting of six faculty members in The Center for Learning and Memory. Trainees will meet with external program advisors approximately once per year to ensure that the program is helping them to achieve their goals.
To apply for a position on the Training Grant, please email your CV to Drs. Laura Colgin ( and Alison Preston ( Please provide a cover letter explaining your research interests and identifying Center for Learning and Memory labs whose research fits your interests.