Many CLM labs offer undergraduate students the opportunity to gain research experience through research internships. Undergraduate research is taken very seriously, with faculty designing a project and format for the internship that best fits the student and lab interest. Therefore, arrangements for internships are made on a case-by-case basis. Undergraduate students interested in a research internship in a CLM lab should contact the faculty member directly.
Additional Resources
For information about the undergraduate neuroscience degree program at UT please click here.
Undergraduate Research Information Sessions - Advisors from the Office of Undergraduate Research answer questions and talk about strategies for getting involved in undergraduate research at UT Austin in weekly sessions.
Freshman Research Initiative - Offers first-year students the opportunity to conduct original, publishable research in many areas including chemistry, biochemistry, nanotechnology, molecular biology, physics, astronomy, neuroscience and computer sciences.
EUREKA - A searchable database designed to support undergraduate participation in research and creative activity across the campus. Students can identify faculty matching reseach interests, search for research opportunities, and connect with Office of Undergraduate Research advisors to learn more about getting involved.